The Washington State Patrol Friday released surveillance video of a June 15 burglary in Governor Jay Inslee’s office. But it doesn’t rise to the level of the Watergate break-in.
Instead of political skullduggery, this appeared to be a crime of opportunity.
On the Sunday evening, just after 7 p.m., two women entered the governor's office after apparently boosting themselves onto a second floor balcony and going through an unlocked door or window.
One of the women picked up a felt State Patrol ceremonial hat and put in on her head backwards. The second woman appeared to be holding a Squaxin Island tribal blanket swiped from the governor’s private office.
A State Patrol cadet discovered the weekend burglary when he came to work and noticed the trooper hat missing from his desk. He reviewed the video. The suspects have since been arrested and the stolen items recovered.
Bob Calkins of the State Patrol said the break-in left them wondering how it could have happened.
“I think it’s obvious there was no alarm in place, certainly those discussions are going on now," he said. "One of the challenges with alarms is what would be the benefit in terms of possible false alarms.”