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Train Derailment Traffic May Delay Northwest Christmas Packages

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FedEx and Amazon both have large shipping and distrubution centers near the site of Monday's derailment.

Monday’s train derailment, is gumming up a several big shipping-distribution centers in DuPont, Washington. Workers are having trouble running their last-minute Santa-truck routes.

FedEx has a large ground shipping center in DuPont. Amazon has a massive fulfillment center with some 500 full-time employees. And UPS said it has a ?smaller distribution center there.

The problem is I-5 south, smaller highways and most of the nearby surface streets are all clogged with backed up traffic as investigators work the crash site. It’s slowing down dozens of delivery trucks.

FedEx confirmed that some local operations may be affected for a while, but said it’s working to minimize larger delays by rerouting packages.

UPS spokespeople said they have implemented the company’s contingency plans for its ground traffic as well in the area. UPS also said the train derailment hasn’t caused any delay in its train shipments so far.

Anna King calls Richland, Washington home and loves unearthing great stories about people in the Northwest. She reports for the Northwest News Network from a studio at Washington State University, Tri-Cities. She covers the Mid-Columbia region, from nuclear reactors to Mexican rodeos.