OLYMPIA, Wash. - In Olympia, a new revenue outlook shows a shortfall in the next state budget cycle. That is putting renewed attention on promises not to raise taxes.
Washington's Democratic governor-elect Jay Inslee made such a pledge during the recent campaign. So did many Republicans elected to the Legislature.
The chief budget writer for House Democrats, Ross Hunter, says he's working on a no-new-taxes spending blueprint for the next two years. But Hunter Wednesday predicted the product will include so many unpalatable cuts, he doubts it could pass.
"I personally believe -- and I have been reasonably consistent through this whole cycle leading up to last Tuesday('s election) -- that I didn't think it was numerically possible to have a budget that does not have revenue increases."
Hunter spoke after the release of an updated revenue and budget outlook at the capitol.
At the same event, former Republican candidate for Washington governor Dino Rossi said making Olympia live within its means will be "tremendously important." He contends it can be done.
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