If there is such a thing, the typical pot smoker in Washington is a white male, 35 or younger with some college education. And he smokes a lot more weed than anyone thought.
That’s the composite that emerges from the RAND Corporation’s report titled “Before the Grand Opening” – a reference to Washington’s new pot marketplace set to open next year.
The study’s lead author, Beau Kilmer, says RAND’s estimate this year – before any pot stores open – is Washingtonians will consume about 175 metric tons of marijuana.
“And if you think about that in terms of half gram joints that would be about 350 million joints,” says Kilmer.
That’s a lot of joints. The RAND study also concludes that 80 percent of that pot is consumed by just 20 percent of the users.
Washington’s Liquor Control Board previously decided to limit production to 80 metric tons a year. This study won’t change that.
The assumption is regulated retail stores will only capture about a quarter of the marijuana market in the first year.