For the Nez Perce Tribe, connections to culturally important first foods, like salmon and berries, are deeper than just nourishment. Tribal members say these foods are fundamental to their life, language and identities. But, toxic environments can threaten these foods.
Dec. 21st is the winter solstice — the shortest daylight hours of the year. It was also Indian New Year across the Northwest. One of those celebrations happened on the Umatilla reservation in northeast Oregon.
For tribes throughout the nation, protecting access to culturally important foods is a top priority. The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation say their first foods policy drives most of their land management decisions.
Each Spring, Northwest tribes celebrate the first foods of the season. At a Colville ceremony marking the return of migrating salmon, ecological challenges were top of mind.
Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are tagging and releasing lamprey to learn more about their journey to sea from inland rivers.