To keep Washington from facing another devastating fire season, Public Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz is asking the state legislature to create a…
Turning left off U.S. Highway 2 into the Moses Coulee Nature Preserve in central Washington, the land changes from crisp golden bunch grasses to ash.…
Doug Coleman had just returned home after staying up for more than 24 hours. He was exhausted. He’d evacuated as the Cold Springs Fire came closer to his…
Well, the weather didn’t pan out as forecasters had hoped. That means smoke should stick around until the end of this week. And, it’s not only the skies…
QUICK LINKS/INFO:-Red Cross: 509-670-5331–Cold Springs Fire Information (InciWeb)–Northwest Large Fires Map–Washington DNR Fire Info (Twitter)–Washington…
Strong winds continue to push the Palmer Fire in north-central Washington north toward the Canadian border. It’s now several miles from the border and has…
QUICK LINKS/INFO:-Red Cross Contact: 509-670-5331–Okanogan Highlands Fire Watch–Palmer Fire Info From InciWeb-Previous Palmer Fire Coverage From…
This year, Molly Linville and her husband David fixed up their truck. But it isn’t any old used vehicle. It’s meant to save lives and property.At the end…
Washington Firefighter Quarantining With COVID; It's A Test Of Safety Plan Ahead Of Wildfire WeatherA firefighter who helped put out a recent wildfire in north-central Washington has been diagnosed with COVID-19. It’s the third state Department of…
After two years of seeing a steady rise in the number of wildfires burning across Washington, the 2020 core fire season is looking to pull way ahead in…