Oregon drivers could pay an additional four cents per gallon in state taxes. That's part of a massive transportation package unveiled Wednesday by Oregon lawmakers.
The bill contains a long list of highway construction projects that would be funded through a hike in the gas tax and vehicle registration fees.
But environmental groups aren't happy with another component of the bill. Section 39 of the 73 page measure repeals the Clean Fuels program as it was amended by Senate Bill 324 earlier this session.
Environmental groups touted that program as a major win when Governor Kate Brown signed it into law in March. It requires fuel distributors to lower the carbon footprint of what they sell in Oregon.
GOP lawmakers said it would result in higher gas prices. They’ve agreed to support a gas tax hike if the Clean Fuels program is yanked. Supporters of the new plan say it contains alternate carbon reduction strategies.
It's not clear yet whether there's enough Democratic support for the measure to advance.