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Regional Journalism

Authorities Search For Person Who Sent Ricin-Laced Letters

Jessica Robinson
Northwest News Network

The FBI is trying to find the person who sent two threatening letters containing deadly ricin in Spokane. One of the letters was addressed to a federal judge.

It's back to work-as-usual at Spokane’s historic Post Office after the two letters made it into the mailstream here. Police say the discovery prompted an evacuation. Authorities don't believe any workers were exposed to the highly toxic substance, but they are remaining tight-lipped about the case.

Representatives from the FBI and local police declined to comment on the ongoing investigation.

A message sent out to post office employees from their union said the two letters were postmarked Tuesday, May 14th in Spokane. Lab tests indicated they contained ricin. More tests are in the works. Ricin is a potentially lethal poison found in castor beans.

Last month, letters tainted with ricin were sent to President Obama, a U.S. senator and a judge. Federal authorities arrested a man in Mississippi for the incident.

On the Web:

Union message to postal workers - American Postal Workers Union