The folks over at CFM Strategic Communications, a prominent Oregon lobbying/public relations firm, have written up an interesting post-election analysis of the campaign to pass Ballot Measure 79.
That measure, as you may recall, puts a ban on any new real estate transfer fees or taxes into the Oregon Constitution. Opponents ridiculed the measure as pointless, since such a ban already exists in state law. Supporters said putting it in the Constitution would protect homeowners from possible future efforts by state lawmakers to repeal the ban.
A last-minute release of internal polling numbers by opposition group Defend Oregon seemed to point to a resounding defeat of the measure. But in the end, the measure easily passed with nearly 59% of the vote.
CFM chalks up the victory to a "direct, simple and personalized" advertising campaign. Of course, the $5 million that real estate groups spent getting that message out certainly didn't hurt, either.