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Sen. Crapo Pleads Guilty To DUI, Apologizes

Alexandria Police Dept.

U.S. Senator Mike Crapo apologized profusely Friday after pleading guilty to drunken driving. A judge outside Washington, D.C. ordered the Republican from Idaho to pay a $250 fine and take an alcohol safety class. Crapo will also lose his driver's license for a year.

Crapo was arrested two days before Christmas in Alexandria, Va. In statement after his court appearance, Crapo said politicians should be held to a higher standard.

“I am profoundly sorry for the pain and embarrassment that I have brought my family, to Idahoans, to my church, to my colleagues in the United States Senate and my staff and to anyone who has placed their trust in me.”

Crapo said he had started drinking at home in recent months to relieve stress. The Republican senator is a member of the Mormon church, which forbids alcohol consumption.

Crapo's spokesman Lindsay Nothern says the senator plans to promote a “don't drink and drive” message when he returns to Idaho.

“Obviously he feels great remorse for the fact that someone other than himself could have been hurt or killed.”

Nothern says Crapo will get rides from staff and taxis during his license suspension.

On the Web:

Senator Mike Crapo (US Senate)
News release on Crapo's arrest (Alexandria Police Deaprtment)