SALEM, Ore. – Gun legislation is gaining momentum at the Oregon capitol. A Senate panel has scheduled a marathon hearing on a slate of measures that would require more background checks and limit where people could carry guns. The hearing is set for next Friday, April 5.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Floyd Prozanski has scheduled a three-and-a-half hour public hearing. One measure would require criminal background checks for all gun transactions except those between family members. Another would require so-called "live fire" training for people who want a concealed handgun license. A third would prohibit people from openly carrying weapons in public buildings such as the state capitol, where it's currently allowed. And a fourth would ban guns from K-12 schools.
Not on the agenda: an assault weapons ban or a limit on high capacity gun magazines. Committee chair Prozanski says he thinks those issues are better addressed by Congress.
On the Web:
Oregon Senate Committee on the Judiciary meeting agenda - Oregon Legislature