To raise taxes, or not raises taxes? That is the question. Washington Democrats have been hinting at yes. Republicans like Senate budget chair Andy Hill say it’s a last resort.
Hill started the toothpaste analogy.
“I’m the kind of guy who with toothpaste, I squeeze the tube as absolutely empty as I can get it and then I cut it open and scrape out the rest,” he said. “I think that’s the way I would approach budgeting this year.”
House budget chair Ross Hunter, a Democrat, grimaced.
“I think we’ve squeezed the tube pretty dry and I have not seen a practical solution to an entire budget that doesn’t involve some significant additional revenue,” he said.
Hill couldn’t resist a response.
“For the last four years I’ve heard that tube of toothpaste has been squeezed all it can be squeezed,” he said.
This is a debate we’ll be hearing some version of for many months to come.