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Regional Journalism
Dispatches from public radio's correspondent at the Oregon Legislature. This is a venue for political and policy coverage of the state government in Salem and its impact on the people of Oregon.

Oregon Launches Recreational Marijuana Education Campaign
A public education campaign meant to help people understand the Oregon's new recreational marijuana law launched Tuesday.

Recreational marijuana will soon be legal to use in Oregon and the state Tuesday unveiled a public education campaign meant to help people understand the new law.

The ad campaign is aimed at 18-to-35 year-olds. It uses social media and commercials. One ad says, "Starting July 1, adults 21 and older in Oregon can possess and use recreational marijuana at home or on private property. But public use is still illegal."

But what constitutes public use? Can you smoke marijuana on your front porch, for instance? That's not spelled out in the law but officials say if other people can see you, it's probably a public place.

Other key details: You can have up to eight ounces of the drug in your home, you can't use it while driving, and you can't take it out of state.

And the public awareness campaign comes with this disclaimer: "Some aspects of the law are still being determined."

That's because state lawmakers are still considering possible changes to the voter-approved ballot measure that allows recreational marijuana use.