The practice of automatically charging 16 and 17-year-olds as adults for serious crimes is coming under scrutiny. The issue will come up Monday at a youth…
Barry Massey became a symbol for juvenile justice reform after he was sentenced to life in prison without parole at age 14. Now 42, Massey was released…
At age 15, Barry Massey walked into the Monroe Corrections Center to begin to serve a life sentence. The year was 1988. At the time, Massey was the…
Two of the three brothers accused in last week’s fatal shooting at a Seattle homeless encampment have juvenile records. But neither qualified for…
Another Washington state juvenile killer sentenced to serve life without parole will be set free next year. This follows a U.S. Supreme Court ruling and…
The Chelan County Sheriff's Office said a juvenile inmate who escaped from the fire lines in north central Washington and shot himself in the head is…
Barry Massey was the youngest person sentenced to life in prison without parole in the United States. Now he will go free.That decision was announced…
Freedom could be just weeks away for the youngest person in the U.S. sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.Washington inmate Barry…
Nationally, there’s a push to outlaw incarceration of students for skipping school and other non-criminal behavior and use alternatives.But some judges…
The first time a judge sent Marquise-Unique Travon Flynn to juvenile detention he was in fifth grade. He had one goal: not to cry in front of the other…