In an act of labor solidarity, scores of Democratic staffers in the Washington Legislature staged a “sick-out” Wednesday after a bill that would have allowed them to unionize failed to advance before a key cutoff deadline.
If America’s unions are dying, no one told labor leaders in Washington. The state ranks fifth in the nation for union membership. That strength also translates to political power. In recent years, organized labor has helped Democrats solidify one party rule. In turn, unions have notched a succession of legislative victories.
When the U.S. Supreme Court obliterated mandatory union dues in late June, the Freedom Foundation was ready.For years, leaders of the conservative,…
Less than a week after a U.S. Supreme Court decision on labor unions, anti-union canvassers are out in Salem. It’s the latest step in a campaign to weaken…
Despite numerous requests for a veto, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee on Tuesday signed a controversial bill to privatize the state’s homecare provider system.…
A fiery partisan battle has erupted in Olympia over a union-backed measure involving homecare workers. Underlying the fight is whether these workers…
There’s a movement sweeping states across the nation, known as the “Right to Work.” State Senators in Olympia heard a bill Wednesday that would bring it…
Washington Senate Republicans are taking aim at organized labor. They’ve scheduled a series of public hearings beginning Monday on measures designed to…
The Service Employees International Union has invested more than $1 million in trying to help Democrats win control of the Washington legislature this…
Washington’s largest labor organization has agreed to a $26,000 fine for past campaign finance violations. The attorney general’s office announced the…