In recent years, Washington state has led the nation in locking up kids for running away, skipping school and other non-criminal behavior. Now state…
On a gray, rainy afternoon a man walks into a library and shows a missing-person flyer to a librarian. It’s in a day’s work for a foster child “locator”…
In 2015 a federal judge in Seattle ruled that the state of Washington was violating the constitutional rights of mentally ill jail inmates by not…
Poor and minority students in Washington state are more likely to be labeled truants. That’s a according to the state’s 2015 Truancy Report out…
Nationally, there’s a push to outlaw incarceration of students for skipping school and other non-criminal behavior and use alternatives.But some judges…
The first time a judge sent Marquise-Unique Travon Flynn to juvenile detention he was in fifth grade. He had one goal: not to cry in front of the other…
Skipping school is not a crime in Washington state, but it can still land a student behind bars.Juvenile courts in Washington lead the nation in locking…