A family-owned apple and cherry orchard business has just agreed to pay about a half-million dollars in back wages to hundreds of workers.
Northwest apples will be fewer, smaller and more expensive this year. Blame a cold spring, a challenging growing season. Farmers say they’re struggling under that darn inflation of everything.
Washington apple growers are shipping about 20 percent less fruit abroad now compared with this time last year.The result is a drop to export levels not…
Correction, Sept. 18, 2020: A word to describe the amount of apples brought by Gov. Jay Inslee has been changed in this story to better reflect the amount…
It's not often that you'll read an obituary for a tree. Or that a dead tree gets a memorial service of sorts. But then there aren't many like Vancouver,…
Fujis and Pink Ladies are some of the most valuable and last to ripen apple varieties in the Northwest. And this winter there are huge swaths of them left…
With China threatening to slap the United States with tariffs on $3 billion worth of U.S. made products, one group that is worried is Washington state’s…
Something has gone sour between Washington State University and a Seattle-based biotech company. It's over a new, highly-prized apple variety that has not…
The recent testy back-and-forth between President Donald Trump and Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto -- could end in real cash losses for agriculture in…
The Northwest apple harvest is just underway and pickers are wading into the lush orchards. And so far things look dramatically better than last…