For the first time since Herbert Hoover won the presidency nearly a century ago, the state of Washington won’t have a statewide initiative to the people…
Thursday was supposed to be the day that a Washington state ballot measure to lower car registration fees took effect. But the state Supreme Court has let…
Two people who allegedly placed online ads to sell elephant ivory carvings are the first to be charged under wildlife trafficking laws passed by Pacific…
In 2002, Grant County, Oregon banned the United Nations by citizen initiative. The referendum wasn't close: 58 percent of voters said to keep the United…
Three decades after Oregon blazed a trail by enacting statewide sanctuary laws, voters will have a say in repealing them this fall.State elections…
This week is the deadline for initiative backers in Washington and Oregon to submit their petitions to the Secretary of State’s office.In Washington,…
The lone gun-control measure vying for the November ballot has likely run out of time.The Oregon Supreme Court Wednesday announced it would not certify…
With the window for submitting signatures closing fast, backers of a ban on semi-automatic, military-style weapons in Oregon might finally win permission…
One of two gun-control proposals aimed at November’s ballot is facing possibly insurmountable odds.On Thursday, three parties appealed proposed ballot…
If you somehow still need proof that a movement to outlaw military-style, semi-automatic weapons in Oregon is a big deal, look no further than Dennis…