A task force appointed by Oregon Gov. Kate Brown has released a series of possible options for shrinking the state’s public pension deficit. The options…
Oregon lawmakers have less than a week left to wrap up their work in this year's legislative session. The closing days will see a flurry of work on the…
Oregon lawmakers narrowly approved an $8.2 billion spending plan Tuesday for K-12 schools. It’s an 11 percent increase over the previous budget cycle.But…
The Oregon House has narrowly passed a measure meant to scale back a tax break intended for small businesses. The measure cleared the chamber Friday over…
Democrats in the Oregon Legislature and Gov. Kate Brown say they are giving up trying to increase taxes on corporations during this year's legislative…
The future of a possible corporate tax hike is in doubt at the Oregon Capitol after a flurry of activity Monday yielded no progress on the issue.The joint…
?The Joint Committee on Tax Reform hosted a public hearing in Salem Tuesday morning on a plan that aims to help address the state’s $1.4 billion budget…
?Oregon’s legislature is struggling to pass a budget and the session is scheduled to end in a month. But Gov. Kate Brown said it’s too early to call for a…
Hundreds of people gathered on the front steps of the Oregon Capitol in Salem Tuesday to support increased funding for state services like education,…
As Oregon lawmakers continue to debate whether to change the way the state taxes businesses, some public employee unions are threatening to take the…