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Lifestyle, Leisure and Sport

Lifestyle, Leisure and Sport

  • A man in a black shirt that says "legalize death saves" is standing in front of a multicolored Deadpool pinball machine.
    Courtney Flatt
    Northwest News Network
    From Seattle to Portland, many people consider the Pacific Northwest a pinball paradise. But, there just aren’t many machines in some places. That’s why one Tri-Cities man is trying to ramp up pinball pandemonium in southeastern Washington, with the help of fellow pinball fans.
  • From left, Jeff Hashimoto, Uhuru Hashimoto and Langdon Ernest-Beck atop Golden Horn (8,366 feet) in the North Cascades, one of Washington's 100 highest peaks.
    Jeff Hashimoto
    Courtesy photo
    One of the premier peak bagging objectives in the Pacific Northwest is to scale the 100 highest mountains in Washington state. That challenge is called the Bulger List. Two years ago, an Oregon man became the first to conquer all 100 peaks in a single season. Just in the past few days, a duo from Ellensburg, Washington, repeated the feat — not quite as fast, but with an extra-hard twist.